Powering the next generation of creativity.

Design Mind is an online learning experience for self-discovery and community impact.

Join our October Cohort!

I'm Jodi, the founder, and visionary of Design Mind Project. I believe that everyone has a creative genius within them, waiting to be discovered.           Design Mind is motivated by the notion that finding and sharing your potential can positively affect your own life while having a great impact on the world. 

Having lived my own journey of being disconnected from my authentic truth, I understand the pain points, the quests for self-discovery, the awe-inspiring "aha" moments, and the productive lessons along the way.

Accessing my creativity allowed me to own my individuality, embrace the unknown, and discover new aspects of my life and career. Becoming more comfortable in my skin, helped me become more adaptable to the world around me. Inspired by this growth, I initiated a social impact project in Tulsa, Oklahoma, taking action toward driving positive change in my community. 

The journey towards self-expression is meant to empower you, attract who you're meant to grow with and manifest a vision for your life beyond what you could ever imagine. 


-Nurturing your creativity can have a transformative effect. ---

-Letting your ideas emerge, helps them integrate into your daily actions.

-The power of aligning your thoughts and actions around your vision can lead to new discoveries. 

-Carve a unique path that is true to you, regardless of your starting point will help you know the full potential of your creativity and ambition. 

-Trusting in your self-expression helps you prioritize pursuing your dreams with confidence. 

-This is an open invitation for you to embark on the journey to unleash the creative power within you.

Join the movement, one day at a time. 

Book a Discovery Call

Do you know the full potential of your creativity?


If you've ever felt a void in making a bigger contribution with your unique gifts, you're in the right place. The life you are capable of creating is waiting for you.


I hope you join us in Design Mind, a 3-Week self discovery process and community impact experience aimed to help you transform your desires into action.


 What Do You Get?

1. Three Group Coaching Calls

2. Seven Video Training Modules

3. Worksheets & Resources

3. Private Community Forum

5. Guidelines To Create Your Own Social Impact Project


Join our next online learning experience to discover, build, and own your unique design mind. 


Let's do this!